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Version: 1.0.8



Configuration Class

The Configuration class is used to configure settings for Speech-to-Text and Keyword Spotting in an application using Surpuissant's KWS SDK.


ParameterTypeDescriptionOptional/Default Value
contextContextThe context of the application where the KWS will be used. This should always be an instance of Application.Required
apiKeyStringA unique API key provided by Surpuissant to authenticate requests.Required
keywordsList<String>A list of keywords that trigger the KWS service.Required
groupString (default: "default")The group name for the configuration. This is used to differentiate between different configurations in a single application.Optional, default value: "default"
notificationSPNotificationAn instance of SPNotification that defines how notifications will be displayed when KWS matches are detected.Required
customUUIDString (default: random UUID)A custom identifier for the configuration, used to differentiate between different configurations in a single application.Optional, default value: generated using java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString()
soundFxBoolean (default: true)Whether sound effects should be played when KWS matches are detected.Optional, default value: true
enableTTSBoolean (default: true)Whether text-to-speech should be enabled for the transcriptions returned by the KWS service.Optional, default value: true
transcriptionOnlyBoolean (default: false)Whether to enable only transcription mode without sound effects and TTS.Optional, default value: false

Return Values

The Configuration class does not return any values. It is used as a data structure for configuration settings.